Summerlost - A Sneak Peek

Summerlost ally condie early book reveiw

One of the good things about being a book blogger is that I am sometimes able to receive advanced copies of a book or have access to a sneak peek of the book. I was excited to receive the opportunity to  review the first 6 chapters of this book. Especially because I am going to an author event this Tuesday where Ally Condie will be speaking about her new book!

Disclaimer: I received a sneak peek of this book from NetGalley in exchange for writing an honest review of the book. All thoughts are my own and are not swayed by receiving a free copy of this book. This post contains affiliate links.

Ally Condie is the international best selling author of the Matched series. For her new book, Summerlost, she wrote a touching middle grade novel (9 years old and up).

Summerlost is about Cedar and how she is dealing with life the summer after her father and younger brother have died. Cedar's mother buys a summer home for them in the town where she grew up to be close to family. We meet Cedar and her family when they arrive at their new home and pick out their rooms. Cedar understandably has some strong emotions as she struggles with the grief she feels over losing part of her family. She begins to come out of her isolated shell a bit when she sees a boy riding his bike down the street wearing old fashioned clothing. She can't help wondering why he would be wearing the clothes and where he is going, she is also intrigued by the happiness she sees on his face. The sneak peek ends as she gets on her bike to follow him to see where he goes.

My thoughts

  • I was captivated by Ally Condie's writing style and was disappointed that the sneak peek ended right when the story started to get so interesting. Of course, this guarantees that I will purchase a copy of the full book!
  • Cedar is an honest portrayal of how 11 year old girls are. Moody, wanting to be by herself, a bit mean in her thoughts but realizing that and trying to not let the meanness take over.
  • I think that the full book will be good and I look forward to letting my 11 year old daughter read it. The topic of death isn't a light topic to read about, but she loves "Bridge to Terabithia" and "Tuck Everlasting". This book also has mystery in it as well.
  • I think that this book can be a conversation starter for you and your child that reads this. Talk about dealing with grief, having strength, and the importance of families. 
I look forward to reading the full book and writing a more detailed review, both my thoughts and my daughters. I will also be posting later this week about the author event I attend with Ally Condie.

Summerlost will be released Tuesday March 29th. You can pick it up in your favorite bookstore or order it online at Amazon.
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